Welcome to Voice of the Child

Voice of the Child, an NACCC accredited child contact and family support center, is making a significant impact. As a UK registered charity, we have been delivering exceptional services for over 15 years. Our reach extends to over 200 Local Authority Children & Family Services, 500 Family Law Solicitors, over 150 Family Law Courts, CAFCASS, and countless individual families across the UK.

voc team
Voice of the Child Team

Did you know that 30% of children from separated families experience psychological issues, while short-term challenges include emotional struggles and behavioral issues? That’s why voice of the child provides preventative and early intervention services to keep families connected and build positive memories.

At our center, we facilitate both private and local authority referrals, ensuring that families in need receive the support they deserve. Our commitment to providing a nurturing environment is reflected in our excellent variety of age-appropriate equipment, catering to children of all ages during their contact sessions.

Just as we believe in addressing the psychological challenges faced by children from separated families, we are equally dedicated to offering preventative and early intervention services. Our aim is to strengthen familial bonds, keep families connected, and create positive memories that last a lifetime.

Our Mission

At Voice of the Child, we are passionate about empowering children and families facing tough situations. Our focus is on providing supervised and supported contact sessions, facilitating smooth handovers, and delivering comprehensive family support services. Our mission is clear: to establish a secure and nurturing environment that places children’s well-being and best interests at the forefront. We strive to strengthen positive family relationships and foster emotional resilience. Join us in making a difference for children and families in need.

Our Vission

Our vision is to live in a society where every child’s voice is heard, valued, and respected. Voice of the Child strives to be a leading provider of innovative and compassionate services that support children and families during times of separation or conflict. We envision a future where families are empowered, relationships are strengthened, and children can thrive in a loving and supportive environment. Through collaboration, advocacy, and dedicated professionals, we aim to create a lasting impact on the lives of children and families, ensuring their emotional well-being and brighter futures. environment that places children’s well-being and best interests at the forefront. We strive to strengthen positive family relationships and foster emotional resilience. Join us in making a difference for children and families in need.

voice of the child

Our Core Values

At Voice of the Child, we place strong emphasis on the well-being and best interests of children. 

Voice of the Child prioritises the needs and rights of children, ensuring their safety, emotional support, and overall development are at the forefront of our services.

We recognise the importance of providing holistic support to families in challenging situations. Voice of the Child aims to strengthen family relationships, promote effective communication, and facilitate positive outcomes for all family members.

voice of the child
voice of the child, emotional well-being

We value the emotional well-being of children and parents alike. Voice of the Child provides counselling, therapeutic interventions, and resources to help individuals cope with emotional challenges arising from separation or conflict. Professionalism and Integrity: We value professionalism, maintaining high ethical standards, and ensuring confidentiality in the way we interact with clients and stakeholders.

At Voice of the Child, we value collaboration with other professionals, agencies, and community resources to ensure comprehensive and coordinated support for families. We seek to build partnerships to enhance our services and advocate for the needs of children and families

voice of the child

Who we work with